Issuing Of Certificates TLK Community College

Issuing Of Certificates

Issuing Of Certificates

Awards are issued to students who satisfactorily complete all of the requirements of an accredited course of study. However, if a financial debt is owed to the College final assessment will be withheld until the debt is cleared. All Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by the College are nationally recognised.

A certificate will be issued upon the successful completion of a full qualification course comprising the prescribed number of accredited components (units of competency). The back of the testamur will list all units of competency successfully completed.

Statements of Attainment
A Statement of Attainment is issued upon the successful completion of accredited training in one or more units of competency where these are fewer than the number required under packaging rules for a full qualification. Statements of Attainment are awarded following the successful completion of an accredited short course or the partial completion of a qualification.

Replacement Certificates
If a student requests a document replacement where the College has already provided the document, then a $55-00 replacement fee is applicable for each Statement of Attainment or Qualification (including Transcript). To obtain a replacement, the student should complete the following form available on the College website or at reception: Application for Re-Issue of Certificate Form. Identification is required.

Certificates of Participation for Non-Accredited Training
Non-accredited training includes leisure and lifestyle courses and some professional development courses including some business and information technology courses and workshops. Statements of Participation for attendance for non-accredited courses are issued on request. The fee is $15-00 per individual certificate (unless it is otherwise stated as included with the course or workshop). Students must have attended at least 80% of the course / workshop to be eligible and requests must be made within 12 months of course completion. To request a Certificate of Participation you can select and pay for it at the time of enrolment (via the tick box on the enrolment form), or otherwise complete and send the Certificate of Participation Application Form available on the College website or from reception.

Refusing Services
The College has the right to refuse to provide services (including training, assessment, and course materials) to students who have outstanding accounts. The College shall not be liable for any failure to provide services.